? Conejo Creek North Park/Thousand Oaks Library
Conejo Creek North Park/Thousand Oaks Library 1379 E Janss Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA, United StatesFor those sticking around for the holidays, join us as we casually bird at Conejo Creek North Park by the Thousand Oaks library. The ponds host a variety of waterfowl species, sometimes mountain bluebirds show up in the grass fields, and there may be a rare sapsucker or two around in the pepper trees! Park...
?Ventura Audubon CBC
Didn't get enough bird counting in the CVAS Christmas Bird Count? Then join our sister chapter, Ventura Audubon, for its CBC! https://www.venturaaudubon.org/cbc Contact Frank DeMartino (frank@colynx.com) if you’re interested in helping out for Ventura Audubon's CBC!
❄️2024 Ventura County New Year’s Count
Join us for a county-wide count of wintering birds in Ventura County, from the east to the west, the mountains to the seas! Please note this count is different from the CBC's in that: 1) it covers the entire county, not just the CBC circle. This allows us to cover some areas in Oak Park,...
Monthly Program – January 2024
CVAS Monthly Program Zoom MeetingJANUARY MONTHLY PROGRAM Owl: A Year In The Lives of North American Owls Presented by Paul Bannick Join Paul Bannick for a program featuring video, sound, stories from the field and several dozen new images from his award-winning and best-selling bird book: Owl: A Year in the Lives of North American Owls. Paul uses intimate...
Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park. Rancho...
?Salton Sea
This oasis in the desert beckons! For this overnight trip, we will start early Saturday afternoon, near the north end of the Salton Sea, and then probably bird down the west side of the lake to Unit 1. We’ll spend the night in Brawley, bird a little around the town early on Sunday. We will...
✈️ Pt. Mugu Naval Base
Pt. Mugu Naval Base 10A Naval Air Rd., Port Hueneme, CA, United StatesFor those who weren't able to attend the November field trip (or who want to visit the base again), here's another opportunity! Please note, that this trip is open to current CVAS members only! The Navy must background check each attendee before attendance, so members will need to email fieldtrips@conejovalleyaudubon.org to complete and return the form before December...
?Mt. Clef Open Space/CLU
Briar Bluff (CLU) 200 Bainbridge Ct, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, Thousand Oaks, CA, United StatesPoke through the prickly pear patches (but try not to get poked!) as we look for roadrunners, Cactus Wren, and the endangered California Gnatcatcher! If time permits, we may go down to CLU and explore different habitats on campus. Meet at the end of Bainbridge Ct. at 8 am. Trip leader: Sammy Cowell (818) 470-7098.
Monthly Program – Bird Diversity Through Time
NOTE: This program will be presented via Zoom ONLY. The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology will NOT be open. Join the Zoom meeting at the start time. Jessica A. Oswald Terrill, PhD: Bird diversity through time, and the role of humans in shaping the diversity and distributions of living species Modern bird diversity and distributions...
Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park. Rancho...
? Oak Canyon Community Park
Oak Canyon Community Park 5600 Hollytree Dr., Oak Park, CA, United StatesTucked into the Simi Hills, this little gem of a park has a nice diversity of oak woodland, riparian, and chapparal habitat; perfect for birds! Target species include birds like Lewis's Woodpecker, Fox Sparrow, and Golden-crowned Sparrow. Trip leader: Dan Cooper (323) 397-3562
Monthly Program – March 2024
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CAJANUARY MONTHLY PROGRAM BIRDING IN TAIWAN, COSTA RICA, AND NICARAGUA Presented by Taylor Driggs Taylor will compare and contrast his birding and nature travel experiences in Taiwan, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. In this presentation he’ll share his birding adventures, show his best sightings, and give a little of his general travel advice for both regions....