Bird-Friendly Tree Care
Trimming trees outside of the nesting season is the best way to promote healthy bird populations in our community. Instead, trim between September 15th and December 31st. There are many benefits to healthy bird populations. The first is natural insect control. Did you know that a Black Phoebe can eat up to 1000 insects in one day? That’s amazing! Birds also play a significant role in rodent control thus reducing the need for poisons which can be detrimental to our local wildlife and pets. Pollination is yet another benefit our birds provide.
Please consider trimming during the suggested time period. When you do trim, please be sure to hire professionals familiar with state and federal laws and guidelines and trained to survey for nests prior to trimming.
Some of our local birds do nest almost year-round, while others (such as owls and hummingbirds) begin early. Trimming trees during the nesting period oftentimes diminishes shelter and increases predation and also exposes young birds to weather – all of which can be deadly.
These excellent resources have information on local birds, nests, tree pruning, plus state and federal laws protecting nesting birds, and much more.
Guide to Bird-Friendly Tree and Shrub Trimming and Removal – From Los Angeles Audubon
Tree Trimming – Sea & Sage Audubon’s info on tree trimming
CVAS-Tree-Trimming – CVAS Tree Timming brochure