?️ Arroyo Vista Community Park
Arroyo Vista Community Park 4550 Tierra Rejada Rd., Moorpark, CA, United StatesBordering the Arroyo Simi in Moorpark, this park provides a good mix of open space and shrubs for a variety of bird habitat. Meet at the end of the parking lot by the footbridge over the arroyo at 8 a.m. Target species include - Lark Sparrows, Red-breasted Nuthatch, wintering warblers and waterfowl. Afterwards, we will...
?Birds and Brunch
Country Harvest Restaurant 252 Los Angeles Ave, Moorpark, CA, United StatesJoin us for brunch at Country Harvest Restaurant in Moorpark following the trip to Arroyo Vista Community Park!
?Sapwi Trails Community Park
Sapwi Trails Community Park 2225 Westlake Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA, United StatesSapwi trails provides excellent habitat for overwintering sparrows and raptors. Meet at the Westlake Rd. parking lot at 8 a.m. Just be mindful of the flying discs! Target species include Golden-crowned Sparrows, sapsuckers, and raptor species. Trip leader - Steve and Karen Rusch (805) 208-1851
? Saticoy Settling Ponds
Saticoy Ponds 3127 Los Angeles Ave, Oxnard, CAWe will be looking for waterfowl at the spreading ponds from 7 AM to 9 AM. All participants must have read the rules for United Water, signed the waiver, and emailed to birding@unitedwater.org. Please email field trips@conejovalleyaudubon.org by November 30th for waiver and rules. Trip leader: Sammy Cowell (818) 470-7098
Monthly Program – December 2023
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CADECEMBER MONTHLY PROGRAM 3D Birds Project Presented by Russell Campbell The oBird project is an effort by the Moore Lab of Zoology to digitize bird specimens and the morphological data they possess. Using a technique called photogrammetry, hundreds of photos of a specimen are combined to create a 3D digital model. These models improve public...
? Arroyo Simi
Arroyo Simi (Madera) 20 E Easy St, Simi Valley, CA, United StatesArroyo Simi has a great assortment of shorebirds, ducks, herons and gulls. It is easily accessed via a level bike path that runs from Madera Street to First Street and on through most of Simi Valley. We will walk slowly along the mostly natural bottomed channel scanning for birds like Green Heron, Black-necked Stilt, Belted...
Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park. Rancho...
?CVAS Christmas Bird Count
Join us on Sunday, December 17th for this year's Christmas Bird Count (CBC)! Each year, around Christmas, we participate in the annual count. The CBC is always held between Dec. 14th & Jan. 5th. This annual bird count encompasses the United States and Canada, as well as Central and South America, the Pacific Islands, West...
? Conejo Creek North Park/Thousand Oaks Library
Conejo Creek North Park/Thousand Oaks Library 1379 E Janss Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA, United StatesFor those sticking around for the holidays, join us as we casually bird at Conejo Creek North Park by the Thousand Oaks library. The ponds host a variety of waterfowl species, sometimes mountain bluebirds show up in the grass fields, and there may be a rare sapsucker or two around in the pepper trees! Park...
?Ventura Audubon CBC
Didn't get enough bird counting in the CVAS Christmas Bird Count? Then join our sister chapter, Ventura Audubon, for its CBC! https://www.venturaaudubon.org/cbc Contact Frank DeMartino (frank@colynx.com) if you’re interested in helping out for Ventura Audubon's CBC!
❄️2024 Ventura County New Year’s Count
Join us for a county-wide count of wintering birds in Ventura County, from the east to the west, the mountains to the seas! Please note this count is different from the CBC's in that: 1) it covers the entire county, not just the CBC circle. This allows us to cover some areas in Oak Park,...
Monthly Program – January 2024
CVAS Monthly Program Zoom MeetingJANUARY MONTHLY PROGRAM Owl: A Year In The Lives of North American Owls Presented by Paul Bannick Join Paul Bannick for a program featuring video, sound, stories from the field and several dozen new images from his award-winning and best-selling bird book: Owl: A Year in the Lives of North American Owls. Paul uses intimate...