Matilija Dam Field Trip
Matilija Dam Parking 450 Matilija Canyon Rd., Ojai, CAThis is a great spot to find fall migrants. A large variety of warblers and vireos have been observed in this area. You may even see a peacock! Please note that there are few, if any, established trails in this area, so some bushwhacking may be involved. Parking is also very limited, so carpool if...
Malibu Lagoon Field Trip – Cancelled
Malibu Lagoon Malibu Lagoon Car Park, Malibu, CACANCELLED
Native Plantpalooza
This is not an official CVAS event, but we encourage you to participate. We can also bird the park and ponds. CVAS will have a booth. Come visit us.
Monthly Program – October 2022
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CAPLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME FOR THIS PROGRAM - 7:00pm EVOLUTION OF VISUAL SYSTEM AND COLOR DIVERSITY IN BIRDS Birds can see an astonishing diversity of colors that span not only the human visible spectrum but into the ultraviolet as well. They can also display these colors in their plumage. This array of hues is...
Canada Larga Road Field Trip
Canada Larga Road 180 Canada Larga Rd, Ventura, CAMeet at the start of Cañada Larga Road at 8 am. We will look for sparrows, sapsuckers, raptors and other various field birds. This is car birding with several stops. Bring masks and water. Leader is TBA. Check with Dee Lyon - (805) 427-0987
Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park. Rancho...
Hill Canyon
Hill Canyon Hill Canyon Rd, Camarillo, CAMeet at Hill Canyon Park at 8 am. We will look for White-throated Swifts, sparrows and oak woodland birds. Bring masks and water. Leader is Bonnie Clarfield-Bylin (805) 405-5632
Bob Kildee Community Park Tams
Bob Kildee Community Park - Tamarisk Trees 1051 Eston St., Camarillo, CA, United StatesWe will visit the renowned tamarisk trees along the east edge of Bob Kildee Community Park. Previous October visits have yielded views of Black-and-White, Tenessee, Orange-crowned, Lucy’s, Nashville, MacGillivray’s, Magnolia, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Blackpoll, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Prairie, Black-throated Gray, Townsend’s, Hermit, and Wilson’s Warblers. We might also encounter Downy Woodpecker, Western Wood-Pewee, Pacific-slope Flycatcher,...
Ventura Settling Ponds
Ventura Settling Ponds 1400 Angler Ct., Ventura, CA, United StatesMeet at the gate at 8 am. We will look for water birds and warblers. Bring masks and water. Leader is Frank de Martino (856) 906-8733
Lower Sycamore Canyon
Sycamore Canyon 9000 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CaliforniaMeet at 8 am at the parking lot off Hwy 1. We’ll look for riparian birds and rarities. California Thrasher Common Yellowthroat Trip leader is Linda Easter - (818) 519-2833 Please bring water, a snack, bug repellant and a jacket. RAIN CANCELS Everyone is welcome to attend any Conejo Valley Audubon field trip, but Conejo...
Monthly Program – November 2022
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CAPLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME FOR THIS PROGRAM - 7:00pm A 27 YEAR WILDFLOWER JOURNEY: the making of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: CALIFORNIA WILDFLOWERS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Rob Badger and Nita Winter take you behind the scenes on their 27-year journey photo-graphing wildflowers throughout California and the West. It began in the year 1992 when...
Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CAConejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park. Rancho...