
CVAS holds general meetings on the evening of the first Monday of each month (second Monday, if the first one is a holiday), from September through May. These meetings are held at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology in Camarillo (see below), and are also available via Zoom at this link:

April 7th 2025

On April 8th 2024, North America was treated to the spectacle of a total solar eclipse as the moon’s shadow passed across the continent, from Mexico to Newfoundland. Many of us scurried to points along the path of totality. Some were greeted by clouds, but others got lucky and had beautiful clear skies. Don and Chrystal Klabunde were among the lucky. So, join us on April 7th as they present photos from a few birding hot spots along their cross-country drive to Indiana as well as Don’s awesome photos of the 2024 total eclipse!


We have the privilege of holding our meetings at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (also known as the Bird Museum), 439 Calle San Pablo in Camarillo. If you arrive when the doors open at 6:30, you’ll have the rare opportunity to look around the museum’s collections for a half hour before the meeting starts at 7:00 pm. (Also check out

Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology collections

CVAS’s meetings will be hybrid, simultaneously live at WFVZ (recommended) and on Zoom. The link to join on Zoom is

Anyone interested in joining us for dinner at Wood Ranch Camarillo before the meeting, let Chrystal know you’re coming (805-261-9885), then meet at the restaurant by 5:00 pm.