35 events found.
Sisar Canyon is a great spot to see migrating warblers, vireos, and flycatchers as they forage throughout the oaks and riparian of the canyon. It's also a decent spot to see Black-chinned and Costa's Hummingbirds! Meet at 8 am at the parking lot off Sisar Rd. Parking is very limited, so carpooling is suggested. Trip leader: Spencer...
As migration heats up, the Conejo Valley Botanical Garden offers birds a nice resting stop in the middle of Thousand Oaks. There is a decent chance to see multiple different warbler species, vireos, flycatchers, orioles, and other migrants. Meet at the parking lot off Jeaunine Dr. Trip leader: David Person (805 469-6806)
Bear Divide is a narrow pass in the San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles County that funnels thousands of birds through a tiny gap in the mountain ridge with hundreds of birds flying by at eye level per minute. Dawn flight is the best time to witness this spectacle, so we plan to be at Bear...
Big Morongo Preserve is one of the best places in southern California for migrant flycatchers, warblers, vireos, and other species but also hosts some great breeding birds. We can expect to see (or hear) Summer and Western Tanagers, Brown-crested and Vermilion Flycatchers, Bullock's and Hooded Orioles, Yellow-Breasted Chat, Bell's Vireo, as well as migrants and...