🦆 Ventura Settling Ponds

Ventura Settling Ponds 1400 Angler Ct., Ventura, CA, United States

The Ventura Settling Ponds are a great habitat to see both migrating warblers and most species of our over-wintering waterfowl. Potential warbler migrants include Nashville, MacGillivray’s, Black-throated Gray, and Townsend’s Warbler, with a good chance for a rare species or two! Meet outside the gates along Angler Court at 8 a.m. Trip leader – Frank...

🦅*Bonus Field Trip* Hawkwatching at Grant Park.

Grant Park 398 Ferro Dr., Ventura, California, United States

Didn't get enough birdwatching earlier this morning at the Ventura Settling Ponds? Then, come join us for some afternoon hawkwatching at Grant Park. During the fall migration, raptors use hot thermals rising from the ground to easily glide hundreds of miles in a day. The topography of Grant Park is perfect for creating these thermals,...

October Monthly Program – Cuba Birding

Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology or on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/6155249106 Ever wonder what it would be like to bird in Cuba?   In one word, wonderful!   Perhaps it is a bit more complicated than traveling to other international destinations,  however birding in Cuba is very manageable.  Cuba is the home of 28  endemic  species of birds, including the smallest hummingbird in the world!   ...

Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa

Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CA

Conejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park.  Rancho...

🗻 Mt. Pinos

Mt. Pinos Cuddy Valley Rd., Frazier Park, CA, United States

Join us as we go into the mountains to find some alpine birds! We will carpool from the Janss Park & Ride at 7 am. Janss Park & Ride is located on the east side of the 23 freeway at the Janss Road Exit by the soccer fields. Alternately, meet at 9:00am at the Mt. Pinos Nordic...

🏝️ Anacapa Island

Channel Islands Harbor (Oxnard) 3600 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, CA, United States

During migration, many birds can find themselves lost at sea and have to scramble to find the nearest land. Islands therefore are a great spot to find rare vagrant migrants. We will explore Anacapa to look for any rarities, check the seacliffs for boobies, and of course, watch the water on the way in for...

$61 – $66

🚜Arnold Rd. and the Oxnard Plains

Oxnard Plains Sod Fiels Arnold Rd., Oxnard, CA, United States

The Oxnard plains are a great area for migrating shorebirds and open-habitat songbirds, particularly the sod fields. Likely target species include Baird’s and Pectoral Sandpiper, Black-bellied Plover, and Pacific Golden-Plover. Potential rarities include Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Mountain Plover, Red-throated Pipit, and longspur species! This is definitely a good place to bring a scope! Meet...

🦅Bitter Creek NWR

Join us as we venture up Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge to look for the California Condor! Be advised, roads will not be suitable for low-clearance vehicles. In fact, 4×4 cars are necessary (if you have a 4×4 car, please contact Sammy). To carpool up, we will meet at the Porter Ranch Park and Ride.at...

November Monthly Program

Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CA

The Importance of Sierra Meadows for Birds, Other Wildlife, and People Ryan Burnett with Blue Point Conservation Wet meadows cover less than 2% of the vast Sierra Nevada, but they are ecosystem workhorses that punch far above their weight. These emerald jewels can support an incredible diversity of birds and other wildlife, including a number...

🦆 Arroyo Simi

Arroyo Simi (Madera) 20 E Easy St, Simi Valley, CA, United States

Arroyo Simi has a great assortment of shorebirds, ducks, herons and gulls. It is easily accessed via a level bike path that runs from Madera Street to First Street and on through most of Simi Valley. We will walk slowly along the mostly natural bottomed channel scanning for birds like Green Heron, Black-necked Stilt, Belted...

Beginner Bird Walk – Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa

Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa 4803 Lynn Rd, Newbury Park, CA

Conejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walks at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via Goleta in Newbury Park.  Rancho...

🦉 Owling at Palo Comado Canyon

Palo Comado Canyon 6613 Smoke Tree Ave, Oak Park, CA, United States

Join us as we look for owls in Palo Comado Canyon! We will listen and look for Great Horned Owls, Barn Owls, and Western Screech Owls! We may also run into other nighttime creatures as well! Meet at the Sunrise Meadows Open Space Trailhead on Smoke Tree Ave. in Oak Park at 6:30 p.m. Bring...