Palm Garden Hotel 495 Ventu Park Road, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaThis is our annual gala fundraiser. Click here for full info
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CASmithsonian Bird Friendly® certification Did you know that many of the brilliant birds flitting across North American backyards are coffee connoisseurs—and you can help them out with your own coffee choices? Many migrant songbirds spend winters on farms where coffee grows under tall trees. Developed by Smithsonian scientists, Bird Friendly® is the only certification that...
Lake Piru
Lake Piru
4780 Piru Canyon Rd, Piru, CA
Meet at 8:00 am at Warring Park in Piru. We’ll look for the largest bird in North America, the California Condor as well as other large raptors, plus waterfowl, and early spring migrants. The entrance fee will be $5 per car for this field trip, instead of the normal $10, so be sure to tell...
Beginner Bird Walk
Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa Conejo Valley Audubon invites birders of all experience levels to attend our monthly Beginner Bird Walk at Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa. These walks are held on the second Wednesday of each month. We will meet at 8:00 am at the main parking lot, which is accessible off Lynn Road at Via...
Lake Casitas
Lake Casitas
11311 Santa Ana Rd, Ventura, CA, United States
Thanks to Ojai Rotary Club, we will be able to charter a small boat out onto the lake! Space is limited, so please text Sammy at (818) 470-7098 or email him at if you are interested in coming on this trip. Meet outside the lake entrance at 8:00 am, and we’ll carpool in, since the...
Potrero Open Space
Rancho Potrero
5020 Lynn Rd, Thousand Oaks, California, United States
*DATE CHANGE* Sunday, Mar 23nd: Potrero Open Space Meet at 8:00 am in the Rancho Potrero Trailhead parking lot off Lynn Road. This open space is ideal habitat for a variety of grassland species! We’ll specifically be looking for the local population of Grasshopper Sparrows that winter and breed in the area. Vesper Sparrow and Western...
Cañada Larga Road
Canada Larga Road
180 Canada Larga Rd, Ventura, CA
Saturday, Mar 29th: Cañada Larga Road The ranchland along Cañada Larga Road provides great habitat for many grassland species, and the riparian habitat along the creek is a great place to spot early migrants. Meet at 8:00 am at the beginning of the road, and we will drive up the canyon together, stopping at various...
Sisar Canyon
Sisar Canyon
12799 Sisar Canyon Rd, Ojai, CA
Sisar Canyon is a great spot to see migrating warblers, vireos, and flycatchers as they forage throughout the oaks and riparian of the canyon. It's also a decent spot to see Black-chinned and Costa's Hummingbirds! Meet at 8 am at the parking lot off Sisar Rd. Parking is very limited, so carpooling is suggested. Trip leader: Spencer...
April Monthly Program
The Klabundes’ Great Eclipse Birding Adventure On April 8th 2024, North America was treated to the spectacle of a total solar eclipse as the moon’s shadow passed across the continent, from Mexico to Newfoundland. Many of us scurried to points along the path of totality. Some were greeted by clouds, but others got lucky and had...
Conejo Valley Botanical Garden
Conejo Valley Botanic Garden
400 W. Gainsborough Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA
As migration heats up, the Conejo Valley Botanical Garden offers birds a nice resting stop in the middle of Thousand Oaks. There is a decent chance to see multiple different warbler species, vireos, flycatchers, orioles, and other migrants. Meet at the parking lot off Jeaunine Dr. Trip leader: David Person (805 469-6806)
Bear Divide
Bear Divide Picnic Area
21525 Santa Clara Truck Trail, Canyon Country, CA, United States
Bear Divide is a narrow pass in the San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles County that funnels thousands of birds through a tiny gap in the mountain ridge with hundreds of birds flying by at eye level per minute. Dawn flight is the best time to witness this spectacle, so we plan to be at Bear...
Big Morongo Canyon Preserve
Big Morongo
11055 East Dr., Morongo Valley, CA, United States
Big Morongo Preserve is one of the best places in southern California for migrant flycatchers, warblers, vireos, and other species but also hosts some great breeding birds. We can expect to see (or hear) Summer and Western Tanagers, Brown-crested and Vermilion Flycatchers, Bullock's and Hooded Orioles, Yellow-Breasted Chat, Bell's Vireo, as well as migrants and...