Bird-friendly Garden Tours

The Conejo Valley Audubon Society hosts a biannual garden tour. Our tours feature residential yards that provide habitat for our native birds, demonstrate the use of drought tolerant native and non-native plants.

  • Encourage people to provide habitat, food and shelter for our local birds by using California native and drought tolerant plants.
  • Provide visual examples of water-wise landscapes.
  • Make people more aware of our local birds.
  • Promote membership in Conejo Valley Audubon.
Bird-Friendly Garden

We hope our bird-friendly garden tour will inspire you to install a habitat of your own. To paraphrase the film Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come!”

Allen's Hummingbird

Stay tuned for news about the CVAS Lawns To Habitat restoration program this summer. If your application is approved, you can receive design assistance plus $200 of native plants in the fall. Or, if your garden is already planted you can encourage a friend to apply.

  • Virtual tour from 2020
  • Photo gallery from 2023