Welcome to CVAS

Ever wonder what it would be like to bird in Cuba?   In one word, wonderful!   Perhaps it is a bit more complicated than traveling to other international destinations,  however birding in Cuba is very manageable.  Cuba is the home of 28  endemic  species of birds, including the smallest hummingbird in the world!   

Bonnie Clarfield-Bylin, local birder, naturalist and travel enthusiast will share her Cuba birding experience from this past February.  Her mantra is, “Look for an elephant, see an elephant, look for a bird and see everything.”  

We have the privilege of holding our meetings at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (also known as the Bird Museum), 439 Calle San Pablo in Camarillo. If you arrive when the doors open at 6:30, you’ll have the rare opportunity to look around the museum’s collections for a half hour before the meeting starts at 7:00 pm. (Also check out wfvz.org)

Anyone interested in joining us for dinner at Wood Ranch Camarillo before the meeting, let Chrystal know you’re coming then arrive at the restaurant before 5:00 pm .